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Emotional Gifts

ARTISTS:  Anna Agee, Mya Brittingham, Natalie Burdett, Zack Crosby, Blue Dunsworth, Laura Durr, Valeria Guerra Garcia, Kayce Jensen, Johana Kim, Dorin Stefan Mogda, Angelaure Pierre, Arcell Salunga, Chloe Snook, Stephanie Varone, Rose Marjannke Williamson,  Jiayue Yu

October  30th - November 10th, 2023

Reception: Friday, November 10, 2023, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm


The Fine Arts Department of Ringling College of Art + Design is pleased to present Emotional Gifts

To feel emotion is a gift. In the age of technological advancements, the ability to ‘feel’ cannot be replicated. A powerful connection is made when one can visually articulate emotions that are indescribable. Some artists feel a deep yearning to create artwork that showcases our daily relationships and emotional connections. Through the use of subject matter and the artist’s association with specific mediums. Emotional Gifts explores the feelings we experience and resonate with.


Curated by

Rose Marjanneke Williamson

Angelaure Pierre


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